Hiya Blogland!!!! How's it going?? I am SO GLAD this week is OVER!!
Thank you all so much for your sweet words of encouragement. It's really helped this past week!!!
Hallelujah, the end of fiscal year insanity follies at work are over for another year. September is always a stressful month as the contracting office sits on projects we've designed and spec'd out for MONTHS and then tries to get them awarded at the last minute. Seriously, if you're a contractor bidding on a sidewalk repair job and I have to tell you the step by step directions on how to pour a sidewalk (technical details) than you probably shouldn't be bidding on the project. Just saying.......
Our friend Curtis is hanging in there. His body is weakening daily but his spirit and his smile are brighter than ever. He really is such an inspiration. Never complains or whines--he just encourages everyone else. People's lives are being changed watching Curtis and his wife travel this road.
I've felt a bit like an emotional punching bag this week. It seemed like every day more bad news.
My younger (by 14 months-LOL) sister had to be rushed to the ER earlier in the week hemorrhaging. She's been through menopause. It seems her body has decided to try to expel the benign uterine fibroid tumor she's had for many years. She will have to have a hysterectomy in the next few weeks. Unfortunately, because of the tumor size, she can't have the laparoscopy surgery but will have the major full incision type and be down and out for 6 weeks or so. Been there, done that and it sucks big time.
Next--our daughter Julie announced she will be having her left foot operated on October 14th. She has severe bunions and deformities in her big toes. They will have to break (eeek!!) the toe and put pins in. She will have the other foot done after the first of the year. It's a out-patient surgery but she's still my baby!! She's picking up lots of cute flat shoes as she'll be wearing nothing but them for the next year.
And to ice the crap-cake last week, my hubby's Uncle Bill (his Dad's older brother) prostrate cancer has metastasized all over his body. He had a heart attack in mid-August and has been re-habbing in a nursing home whilst they built a new bathroom on the first floor of their home for him. They will be bringing him home to hospice care as there is nothing more they can do for him.
But life goes on. It's times like this I truly am grateful I have my faith and prayer to turn to.
Here's last week's outfitpaloosa!!!
Monday I pulled out my thrifted NineWest cowboy boots and paired them with a thrifted black pencil skirt and Native-American motif sweater.
I love the sweater's drapey front and "regular" back. This style reminded me of something
SheilaEphemera would wear.
Tuesday I paired a thrifted mint tshirt with a thrifted glen plaid skirt and thrifted cardigan. The shoes are Aerosoles and thrifted.
Wednesday I paired a new blouse from Kohl's (on sale and a coupon so $6 out of pocket)my thrifted bias ruffle skirt, thrifted Easy Spirit wedge ballet flats with a thrifted zebra belt and thrifted bangle.
Thursday I was dressed easy and comfortable. I was helping serve the local high school football team spaghetti for dinner. (Our church youth pastor is their chaplain) I paired thrifted jeans and a sweater tunic with the Aerosole boots I scored last year for like 90% off.
Friday I'm thrifted head to toe again in Lee boyfriend jeans, Nine-West booties and afloral top.
It may be hard to see but the skirt is polka-dotted. The whole outfit is thrifted and was all of $11 total cost!! The shoes are Aerosole's and SUPER comfortable!! I had a ton of compliments for this outfit today. BIG HIT!!
Sorry for the picture quality--for some reason Blogger makes them crappy. Plus I STILL can't size them correctly. They are trying to help me figure this out!!
Well-I'm off to do some graphic stuff for Xmas ornaments!! Everyone have a fabulous week and I hope to be back on Wednesday!!!