Sunday, March 23, 2014

Meet Baby Peanut!!!!!

Hiya Blogland!! I'm working with my sweet new Galaxy Note 0.1 tablet!!! I'm not able to upload my camera photos yet as I'm waiting for a back ordered cord!! I'm still learning how to maneuver around the tablet--I love it but I get happy fingers! I got a bluetooth keyboard which will help me with commenting and such.

Our daughter Julie finished grad school this month and received her MBA from the University of Maryland University College.  I think she graduated Magna Cum Laude. She has worked hard these last few years in school and I'm proud that she's such  smart and motivated young lady.

Our grandpuppy Noelle
But the big news is that these young people:
Julie and hubby Sean

Will be giving us a very special gift this October 5th!

Baby Peanut 3/21/2014 at 11 weeks  days

I would like to introduce everyone to Baby Peanut!! Baby Peanut is our FIRST GRANDCHILD!!!!! Mimi (me) and Pap-Pap (Lauren) are over the moon, as is everyone else in the family. The first grand and great-grand child will be entering a large circle of love. She will find out May 12th whether is Mister Peanut or Princess Peanut.

This was a HUGE SURPRISE!!! Sean and Julie invited us out to dinner for my birthday on Februay 23rd and we invited my mom along. Julie handed me a wrapped package and when I opened it there was a picture frame saying "sweet baby" on it and the message in pink & blue: Expected Due Date October 2014. I let out a shriek!!! BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!!!!  I was so happy my mom could be there to hear about the news of her first great-grandchild.

I plan on being the coolest and hippest grandmother around! Once we know if it's a boy or girl I can gear up making stuff for the nursery. I'm already working on an afghan!

Julie and my niece Jackie in 1990
It's hard to believe that these little girls are both expecting babies today. Jackie is expecting baby #3 in August. It seems like yesterday they were plying with baby dolls!!

I'm linking up with everyone at Visible Monday as I'm gonna be one Visible Grandmother!!!

I hope to have the camera stuff figured out so I can share some outfits later this week!!




Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

I love to see sonograms! So exciting...congratulations to all!

Becky said...

Congrats on the exciting news!

Unknown said...

SO glad you're back! Congratulations to you and your family. It's about time you had some good news!


Curtise said...

That's the most delightful news! Many congratulations to Julie and Sean, and to Mimi and Pap-Pap too, of course!
Hope you're doing OK, Tamera. xxx

Suzanne said...

So so happy for you Tamera! You are going to be one super cool granny : )


Megan G said...

Congrats!! Lots of luck and love to your family.

Señora Allnut said...

congratulations, dear Fabulous Grandmother!!
besos & abrazos

Patti said...

Big congratulations to all of you! What a fabulous surprise, and now so much to plan! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xox.

Unknown said...

Yeaaaayyy! Excellent work, everyone involved! What news! Congratulations, you guys. Don't expect your back to feel better, but I bet it does. Just a little, anyway!

Val said...

Double good news from Julie!! Of course, the MBA pales in comparison to the peanut. That is indeed an excellent birthday present, and you will be the coolest granny! All that and the new tablet - will the party ever end?

Bobbi said...

Congratulations! You are going to be such a fun grandma. Congrats to your daughter, too. I'm sure she'll take the business world by storm.

thorne garnet said...

now you'll be a Supermodel Grannie!

Vix said...

Congratulations to all of you! What lovely news! xxxx

Krista said...

Baby time!!!! This is so wonderful Tamera! You will be the best grammie ever!!!! I hope thou are feeling better these days and Happy belated Birthday!

Sheila said...

How exciting! Congratulations, Tamera! And a very happy birthday that must have been. Woo!

Unknown said...

Wow! Congratulations!

The Style Crone said...

Congratulations Tamera! Yes, you will be a beautifully visible Grandmother. Best of wishes to your family!

Beth Waltz said...

Joy! Joy! Joy! Baby pictures are bandages for our battered souls.

Lynn said...

Congratulations! Grandbabies are the best!

Heather said...

Congratulations to all! I have a quick question for you and was wondering if you could email me when you have a free moment. :-) Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon.

Unknown said...

So incredibly happy for you Tamera! Something nice for you to look forward to!

You are going to be an awesome Grandma!

citizen rosebud said...

What great news! Congrats on your impending gramma status! : P

And you are such a joy to feel, hear, get whenever I see you've posted or left a comment. Thank you for sharing your news and your blossomingly beautiful self with me! xo.

Helga said...

That's mega exciting for you!!! A Baby Peanut! So cute!!! Yay, hope it all goes smoothly, darling, and that Baby Peanut ROCKS your world!

Ivy Black said...

Hurrah! Wonderful news! Congrats to everyone and Baby Peanut is gonna have an awesome

Maria at inredningsvis said...

What a CUTE post :) and your blog is so fab and fun.

Check out my new post....How you decorate a small space to look bigger :)

Have a great weekend dear

LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)