Saturday, March 15, 2014

The best laid plans can go awry.

Hiya Blogland!!! I'm here in the Craft Palace with the window open enjoying the wonderful Spring breezes. Before we get ANOTHER FREAKING SNOWSTORM tomorrow night. EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!

I had it all planned to post on Wednesday but our modem/router had other plans. We had been having trouble keeping a stable internet connection for a couple of weeks and it just pfftted out on Tuesday. After many phone calls and much hair-pulling it was determined that the router/modem was bad. Hubster connected the new system up last nite so we are now good to go.

In time for me to take another min-blogging break after just returning!! But this is for a good reason-we decided to use some of the tax return to replace my laptop and Kindle with a super sweet Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 tablet!! Since my back injury I have limited time I can sit at the desk using the laptop. The Kindle can surf the web (from the recliner or bed) but can't really do much else.  The new tablet will allow me to do all kinda cool stuff!!! It's supposed to arrive early next week. My laptop and Kindle will be finding a new home with friends. This is my last posting from the laptop but I'll be back next Sunday for Visible Monday with some SUPER EXCITING NEWS!!!

Since the injury my style choices have had to adapt to the new reality of not being in an office environment. I basically am homebound except for PT, doctor's appointments and church with an occasional meal outting with the hubster. I've had to get some athletic pants and casual t's to wear-especially for PT. A pencil skirt and blouse just doesn't work-LOL!!! I've had to re-evaluate my Spring/Summer wardrobe in light of this. I'm just going to leave stuff that won't work packed up.

I'm not really able to do much thrifting (and boy how I MISS it) so I've been ordering some stuff online to fill in the gaps. Thankfully I had thrifted some stuff at the end of the season last Fall for this year!

Here's my oh-so-inspiring outfits for a week full of PT and Doctor Appointments!
 Since I needed casual pants to wear with flats I ordered a pair of "skinny" jeans from Walmart to try out. They are Faded Glory brand and I was very surprised on how well they fit.  The shoes are my thrifted LizClaiborne pink loafer. The sweater is Sonoma from Kohls/gift. I got the scarf at ACMoore Craft store. They have a nice selection and they regularly go on sale for 2/$5. i loved the colors and the springy dogwood print. I've been wearing a lot of scarves like this lately. As you can see i got photo-bombed by cuteness!!

 I'm wearing a pair of jeans that I made into boyfriend skinnies. I had been wearing them tucked into taller boots all winter. The boots are my trusty thrifted Nine West ankle booties. The cardigan is Fashionbug/thrifted. The tshirt had no label but was thrifted last year. I have no idea why the picture quality is so blotchy but I will attribute it to my stellar photo editing skillz!!

 This is my "land" PT (in the rehab gym) uniform. Y'all ain't seeing the pool PT ensemble!! I'm wearing a thrifted green cardigan with grey Walmart athletic pants and a Walmart long sleeve glitter print tshirt I got for $5. Girl's gotta have some bling!! The shoes are some black slip-on sneakers I've had.

 There's my Walmart jeans again with a thrifted raspberry cardigan, grey graphic tshirt from Kohl's, scarf from Kmart and old ThomMcCan pewter moccasins.

 Oh look it's the pants again!! Actually this picture and the one above were taken the same day. I went to get a much needed hair-cut (hadn't been able to get one since November) before therapy so they could work out any pain issues sitting in the salon caused. Hubby was taking me for our weekly "get Tamera out in the human race" meal excursion.  It's good to be out but it involves some pain meds before and a heating pad afterwards and laying down!! I thifted the top last fall. It's a cotton knit and probably originally from the late 80's/early 90's. The style and color are right on trend now--proves what goes around comes around again!! The scarf is from ACMoore.

Here's a close-up of the shirt--it's a textured kind of print.  I had several compliments on it while out--even a teenage girl commented how cute it was.

And now for gratuitous cute doggy pix. They have been my constant companions the last few months- one on each side as we sit in the recliner!!

Little miss bossy-pants!!!
Sweet MrBill looking nervous. He REALLY is a happy dog despite his woeful expression!!
I hope everyone has a spectacular weekend!!! I'll be back next Sunday blogging from the new tablet!!



Patti said...

It's wonderful to see you and congrats on the new computer. I love it that you can still "shop" while recuperating! The doggies are delightful as always, so glad you have them as best buddies at home. xox

Beryl said...

How exciting to be getting new technology! And thanks for the doggie cuteness pictures. Always fun even when Bill looks shy.
Those AC Moore scarves are great - and the price is right. Glad to see you have a nice green sweater for St Patrick's Day.

Becky said...

Thank goodness you figured out the internet issue! Plus, getting your new little laptop/notebook--you won't mind hanging at the house at all. Except the thrifting. It's just addicting, isn't it?

thorne garnet said...

The Doctor has also been dealing with sciatica since the end of Jan. He's slowly getting better, doing stretching, walking with a cane and taking pain meds. He doesn't have a disc problem so he's been able to go to work. It's a stupid painful thing to go through. Hope you get feeling better soon.

Curtise said...

What a time you are having of it, Tamera, but you keep smiling and dressing in gorgeous colour! It's good to know you can still do a little retail therapy from the comfort of home, and get out for a meal with your husband too, your own four walls must get a little dull after a while... Always good to see the pupsters! xxx

Krista said...

I feel so bad for you honey especially cause I know how busy you are, I just hope you find some relief soon. You still have that fabulous smile and all that sass regardless! You can't keep a good woman down!

Hooray for new tech toys, I'm all about that:). Hope that gives you lots of hours of entertainment. What's this teaser you are leaving us with?? I love a good tease!
Peetee and I are sending you a big ole hug to melt the snow?!?!
Love you bunches

Val said...

New tablet - how cool! I'm still on an old netbook, but at least I don't have to learn anything new right now.

You've really got the easy clothes worked out to still look bright and stylish. I love the addition of scarves. And having slip-on shoes is such a good idea - I wish I had more shoes that didn't require bending down to get them on and off (says the creaky old woman). I hope the PT is working and that warmer weather will help, too. I opened windows yesterday, and it was sooooooo lovely! Can't wait to see what your exciting news is!

Señora Allnut said...

dear lady, I'm glad watching and reading you wearing your casual outfits, because even though you're not still ok, you look fabulous and colorful and pretty accessorized, love your scarfs and t-shirts and how you mix and match everything in a pretty color combo!!
and love your pictures with your cute companions!
besos & salud

Vix said...

Hooray for new technology and being able to get back into blogging! You're looking gloriously comfy and cosy in your colourful casual wear and the skinnies make your legs look so long and lean.
Miss Bossy Pants is adorable, give her a big cuddle from me! xxxx

Melanie said...

Colours, smiles, doggies, new tech stuff, recliners - hoorah! At least these things make life as it is a more cheery place. And a loving hubs who takes us out. Great to see your smile, Tamera.

Sheila said...

Oh, your beautiful pups! I love seeing all your colour, and I'm glad you're getting out a little, especially for a haircut. Excited to hear about your surprise!

Helga said...

Cuteness! Those pookies are just the most GORGEOUS pookies! Mr Bill's perpetually sad face is adorable.
I need to get a new laptop this year...not really excited about that, as I loathe all things techie!!! I have a Kindle, which I love for travel. Tablets sound great, but I find a laptop is fine for me.
I see lots of colour in these outfits! Spring is gently making it's way in, I'm sure, despite snowstorms!!! Looking trim and amazeballs, lovey! XXX

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry you're still in pain. Sending heal-y thoughts your way.
You look pretty spiffy though ... your smile hides a lot, I'm sure.
Re: Mr. Bill's expression ... our Lizzy (big white chihuahua wuss-girl) gets that face whenever anyone points a camera at her. Can't imagine what she's thinking is going to happen.

Megs said...

Oh, I know what endless PT feels like! Pulling for you, dear. And your outfits are superb.
Excited with you about the Galaxy- I am going to get their phone in a couple months.
Hang in there!

Beth Waltz said...

Your smile is the ultimate 'fashion accessory! It's good to see you supermodeling ensembles for ladies who must do PT! Moi, I fear, might be wearing the dreaded sweats (Vix, pls cover your eyes.)

Fuzzballs, of course, are the penultimate natural healing devices. So good to know you're comfortably fixed, one to a side, for healing naps!

Megan G said...

Oooo you look fab-u-lous in blue!

Also poor Mr. Bill. Our Lola has perma-bitch face. She constantly looks pissed off. Cockerspaniel with a hint of King Charles gave her the weirdest expression!